As we approach October and Breast Cancer Awareness month, a stark reality is hitting me: The incidence of breast cancer in the US has increased from 1 in 20 in 1960 to 1 in 7 today, and I expect that as long as our country focuses on the concept that “early detection saves lives” rather than prevention education, more women will be diagnosed with the disease each year.
Hence my passion for educating, authoring the book Better Breast Health – For Life!™ and populating the library at Preventive Support with resources and tools that support prevention. In addition, since 2002, I have managed The Thermogram Center, Inc. to support prevention, not just early detection, with Advanced Thermography in the form of Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging and preventive education services. My mission is to impact the before-mentioned statistic, albeit locally. Thanks for your support and for spreading the word. Please don’t let your loved ones rely on mammography alone…
Because Mammograms:
Miss 20 – 75% of breast cancers (i, ii)
Contribute to 4 out of 5 benign breast biopsies (iii)
Lead to unnecessary mastectomies (iv, v, vi)
Improve survivability, not mortality (vii, viii)
You Deserve More Than a Mammogram™
This is our new trademark, officially registered by the US Patent & Trademark Office this month!
8 Reasons the Have a Thermogram
Look for this article the first week of October.