To see pricing and scheduling options, we need to know if you have you ever had an appointment at any of The Thermogram Center, Inc. locations.
Phones (Safari) rarely work! Please consider using a laptop or PC.
First - Time Patient Scheduling
Choose this if you have NEVER been imaged at The Thermogram Center, Inc.*
* If in the last 8 weeks you have had any surgery, including biopsy, in a body part to be imaged, do not proceed. Instead, please text or call 303-664-1139 for discussion.
Returning Patient Scheduling
Choose this if you have EVER been imaged at The Thermogram Center, Inc.*
* If in the last 8 weeks you have had any surgery, including biopsy, in a body part to be imaged, do not proceed. Instead, please text or call 303-664-1139 for discussion.