As much as we all use our cell phones and want to believe they are safe, the fact is, they are carcinogenic, meaning they are capable of causing cancer. In this, part two of a two-part article, let’s explore cell phone safety tips. Part one, Cell Phone Health Risks, explores cell phone health risks.

Is Any Cell Phone Safe?

No. Especially for children, whose brains absorb more radiation. Every cell phone is carcinogenic and poses health risks. Uninformed users appear to use them without any caution. Research in the decades ahead will reveal their outcomes. Informed users should take heed. Every cell phone should be used with caution.

Is Verizon and Sprint Safer than AT&T and T-Mobile?

Not really, but it depends on your usage.

AT&T and T-Mobile voice signals are pulsed, between 0 and 100 dB, using GSM (Global System for Mobiles). Verizon and Sprint voice signals are steady between 48 and 51 dB. While there is a substantial difference between the carriers for voice signalsall cell phones and carriers use GSM for data, negating any benefit.

If you are a Verizon or Sprint user and want to benefit from CDMA signals, you have to set the phone to voice only (no data). However, the GSM signal will still be used by your phone to boost a poor CDMA signal. So you can’t eliminate GSM altogether.

Video: Measuring Cell Phone EMF

Beware of Cell Phone Protection Devices

There are many devices on the market for RF protection. Buyer beware: while many of these devices may provide a sense of security, they may provide very little protection.

For instance, while wired headsets increase the distance between you and your phone, most are not well-shielded and can act as an antenna attracting and transmitting radiation along the wire, to your body, and into your brain. Headsets equipped with air-tube-to-ear technology deliver sound waves to the ears, but the wire typically stops near the neck and the thyroid and parathyroid glands instead of the brain.

In order to be protective, the headset must include well-shielded wiring. The greater the distance from the phone to the body the better, as distance is our friend when it comes to cell phone safety.

There are also many shielding materials (carbons, plastics, metals, films, pendants, bracelets, fabrics) that claim to reduce RF radiation. Be skeptical. Look for proof by way of RF meter testing of the entire zero to three foot circumference of area surrounding the device when the phone attempts to make its initial connection to the network. (Beware: many of these products are rendering a false sense of security as they are not truly effective.)

I have tested many such devices by way of cell chips, cases and wearable pendants with poor results. It appears that the vast majority of them emit a “harmonizing frequency” only and do not really reduce radiation exposure. I equate it to taking a spoonful of sugar with medicine: you get just as much medicine (radiation), but it tastes better.

If any reader should test a device that significantly reduce radiation levels around their cell phone, please advise me at so that I may confirm it’s benefits with testing and then include the devise in this article for future readers.

Devra Davis, former senior advisor to the Department of Health and Human Services and current President of Environmental Health Trust, uses the retro headset and other precautions.

I have tried the retro handset, along with extension cables, air-tube technologies, and other headsets. (I experienced nearly 100% call quality degradation when adding lengths of shielded wire between my cell phone and headset or using the retro handset.)

Until I see the before-mentioned proof regarding shielding effectiveness, I have opted for other precautions, including:

– using the speakerphone when the phone is in use, as distance is my friend

– keeping the phone on airplane mode or powered off when not in use

– keeping the phone (many) feet away when the phone is on but not in use (i.e when I am expecting a call)

– using a landline as much as possible for business and personal use

Also, I have tested magnetic and radio frequency radiation when using my Verizon iPhone 7+ with text and voice signals. There is no significant difference in radiation level spikes whether texting or calling. However, texts can be prepared on airplane mode and sent later off airplane mode.


Children and “Toys”

So that children can avoid radiation while playing web-based games via cell phone or tablet, consider either allowing them to play with such devices set to “Airplane Mode On”, or consider toys like the $19.99-$29.99 dreamGear Mini Arcade Machine 300 with 300 hundred games pre-loaded and no internet connection required. They retail at Wal-Mart, Target, Amazon and elsewhere.

Cell Phone Safety Tips

Except for content in parentheses, the following helpful tips are from Dr. Mercola.

Don’t let your child use a cell phone. Barring a life-threatening emergency, children should not use a cell phone (unless it is on airplane mode), or a wireless device of any type. Children are far more vulnerable to cell phone radiation than adults, because of their thinner skull bones (and developing brains). If pregnant exercise extreme caution.

Keep your cell phone use to a minimum. Turn your cell phone off more often (or with Airplane Mode On and Location Services (GPS) Off as each service transmits independently to the towers). Reserve it for emergencies or important matters.  As long as your cell phone is on (with airplane mode set to off), it emits radiation intermittently, even when you are not actually making a call. Use a land line at home and at work.

(Use the speakerphone with the phone away from your body. Distance is your friend. Wireless and most wired headsets are not safe as they also deliver radiation to the head.)

Limit cell phone use to areas with excellent reception. The weaker the reception (the fewer the “bars”), the more power your phone must use to transmit, and the more power it uses, the more radiation it emits, and the deeper the dangerous radio waves (and magnetic fields) penetrate into your body. (Be still when you are using your phone. As you move, especially in a vehicle, signal strengths and radiation levels vary.)

Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body, and do not sleep with it below your pillow or near your head. Ideally, put it in your purse or carrying bag. Placing a cell phone in your bra or in a shirt pocket over your heart is asking for trouble, as is placing it in a man’s pocket if he seeks to preserve his fertility. The most dangerous place to be, in terms of radiation exposure, is within about six inches of the emitting antenna. You do not want any part of your body within that area while the phone is on. (Another option: power off your phone at night or put it on airplane mode and away from your body.)

Respect others; many are highly sensitive to EMF. Some people who have become sensitive can feel the effects of others’ cell phones in the same room, even when it is on but not being used. If you are in a meeting, on public transportation, in a courtroom or other public places, such as a doctor’s office, keep your cell phone turned off out of consideration for the “secondhand radiation” effects. Children are also more vulnerable, so please avoid using your cell phone near children.

(Text when you can instead of calling, preparing the text on airplane mode and then setting the phone away from you to turn airplane mode off and send the text. This reduces the duration and proximity of radiation exposure.) 

To Learn More (About RF Protection)
Part one: Cell Phone Health Risks

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