Most Americans believe that they are required to maintain health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. However, there are alternatives that not only meet that requirement but also reduce the cost of monthly premiums and annual deductibles while encouraging participants to choose their own health providers in an open network – including the thermographers at The Thermogram Center.
Health Sharing
Take for example, Liberty HealthShare. It is a non-profit cost sharing program in which members share the costs of healthcare. It is exempted from insurance regulation, thereby providing an alternative to government mandated healthcare insurance. Not driven by profit, Liberty HealthShare focuses on minimizing administrative costs while supporting open network health care, where members have the freedom to consult with health providers of their own choosing. No referrals and limited pre-notifications are required.
Because Liberty HealthShare members are health conscious individuals who support the belief that they have a duty to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid foods, behaviors or habits that produce sickness or disease, overall member medical costs are lower than the general population. Hence health insurance premiums and costs are higher for the general population.
Health Sharing Saves You Money
Take, for example, one of my clients, a Liberty HealthShare member. She is single and 64 years old. She has a $500 Annual Unshared Amount (like a deductible), pays $199 monthly, and consults a Naturopathic Doctor as her Primary Care Provider. Twelve annual chiropractic visits, one Annual Wellness visit (including our services or x-rays, labs, etc), and preventive screenings are included in her program. (The monthly cost for an entire family is under $450 with a $1,500 annual unshared amount.)
Liberty HealthShare And Thermography
In July 2015, Liberty HealthShare published the article, Mammography: Does It Do More Harm Than Good? The article promotes thermography through, which lists The Thermogram Center, Inc. as an accredited Colorado provider. The fact that Liberty HealthShare promotes thermography speaks volumes about its intent to support wellness and prevention.
Because our codes are tied to preventive care, Liberty HealthShare reimburses clients 100% for each annual visit (up to $400. Amounts greater than $400 require pre-notification.) Claim forms should list the service as “annual wellness visit” (for men and women) or “well woman visit.”
Fundamentals of Membership
Liberty HealthShare supports individuals who believe in their fundamental right to direct their own healthcare in consultation with physicians, family or valued advisors, free from government dictates, restraints, and oversight. It is healthcare by the people for the people. One tenet: believe in God and that each individual has the right to worship God in his or her own way.
Nothing to Lose, So Much To Gain
Since Liberty HealthShare has a 60-day money back guarantee, you likely have nothing to lose by enrolling. In fact, I suspect you will save money, feel more in charge of your own healthcare, and have increased peace of mind. I just enrolled and intend to apply my future monthly savings (nearly $150 per month) towards nutritional supplementation and wellness visits with functional health providers. (Be aware that some services, including those at The Thermogram Center, are not covered during the first 60 days of enrollment, so schedule your appointment with us accordingly.)
To Learn More
Visit or call 855-585-4237.