Cancer cells thrive in acidic, not alkaline, environments. Diets designed to be more alkalizing to the body may slow the progression of cancer. Consider then, the power of the alkalizing diet.

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Alkalizing vs Acidifying Diets

When it comes to our diet, alkalinity and acidity have to do with how our bodies digest foods and the impact of digestion on our blood pH, or the resulting level of acidity versus alkalinity in the blood.

 The 80/20 Principle

Hippocrates was a great Greek physician who some recognize as the father of medicine. He practiced the 80/20 principle, professing that a diet comprised of 80% alkalizing foods and 20% acidifying foods supports good health. He also increased the proportion of alkalizing foods in times of health crises.

The premise is that most viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus, yeast, and perhaps cancers, require an acidic environment and cannot thrive in blood or breast tissue that is alkaline.

Foods That Improve Alkalinity

Foods that tend to support an alkaline pH include fruits that are acidic to the mouth, like: lemons, limes, grapefruit, and tomatoes, as well as almonds, avocados, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon, most fruits and vegetables, and buckwheat and millet flours.

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Foods That are Acidifying

Acidifying foods include all meats, which require a substantial amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to be digested, along with most dairy products, alcohol, commercial coffees, soft drinks, flours, and sugars.

Alkaline/Acidic Food Charts

To learn which foods typically result in alkalinity or acidity, consider our Food Chart. Be advised, however, that some people do not metabolize foods according to these generalized charts.

Your Metabolic Type Impacts pH

To learn which foods typically result in alkalinity or acidity in your body, please consult with a provider of metabolic typing, as each of the nine different metabolic types effects the way each body metabolizes food. You can also visit this metabolic typing questionnaire.

Acidifying Diets Contribute to Osteoporosis

By now you may have surmised that the Standard American Diet is acidifying… especially fast foods, often made up of breads, meats, dairy, soft drinks, and processed packaged foods. In order for the blood to neutralize the acidifying effects of these foods, the blood extracts alkalizing minerals and calcium from bone and body tissues. Afterwards, these minerals do not return to the tissues or bone… they have been consumed.

This process can contribute to osteoporosis, which takes more lives than uterine, ovarian, and breast cancers…combined.

Now you understand why an alkaline diet is so very important as a basic fundamental to good health.

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