Three Key Diagnostic Attributes
– in-situ (pre-cancer)
– infiltrating or invasive (active cancer)
Grade (1-3):
– answers “how aggressive is the cancer?” speaking about the cancer’s ability to grow / spread
– on a scale of 1 to 3 where
1 is not active (lazy),
2 is moderately active,
3 is aggressively active, and
the effort to combat the cancer should match it’s grade
Stage (0-4):
– answers “how far has it spread / what is its extent?”
– on a scale of 0 to 4 where
0 are abnormal cells in a single location
1 is a small, localized cancer that has not yet spread
2 has grown larger than stage 1 but not yet spread
3 has spread to nearby lymph nodes or tissue
4 has spread to other body parts (metastasis)
About In-Situ Diagnoses
Seek a Cure, Not Just Treatment
Alternative Thinking About Cancer and Treatment
For alternative thinking regarding cancer and treatment, check out:,,,,,,, and
For interviews, treatment resources and books recommended by breast cancer survivor clients, consider Cancer Related videos. Samantha Bales, one of the breast cancer survivors featured, welcomes your contact at
While there are many reconstruction options, consider learning about Breast Implant Illness and Denver’s renown breast explantation surgeon in Chapter 5 of the free PDF book at:
Since many clients’ heart attacks, cancers and illnesses are being blamed on dental care provided (many) years earlier (especially wisdom teeth extractions), please read chapter 6 in the above-mentioned book.
For any friend, pet or family member with a diagnosis of cancer, knowing what questions to ask can help manage fear, formulate next steps and devise balanced treatment plans. Learning the kind, grade and stage is essential in making appropriate and informed decisions. Additionally, advanced thermography may help separate sources of inflammation from the symptom of cancer, in support of a cure.